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Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss Tips Are you trying to get rid of your post-pregnancy weight? Starting a diet and a fitness regimen could easily help you lose the belly flap and loose skin. However, some women still struggle to shed off this excess weight. Well, before you go forward with any drastic decisions with regard to losing weight, first seek help and guidance from medical personnel. This will help you establish if your weight loss difficulty is because of a medical condition or illness. This read will help you understand why your weight loss journey is taking longer than expected. Reasons Why Post-Pregnancy Weight Is Harder To Lose Unrealistic period Most women have very unrealistic expectations with respect to weight loss. They tend to grow impatient especially if they cannot see their results after a while of working out. It would be beneficial to note that it is unrealistic for pregnancy weight to shed after a few days or weeks after the pregnancy. It is estimat...

BottomSlim | Cellulite and Stubborn Stretch Marks

Here’s more advice specifically for women, starting with the question we get asked often: How do you get rid of cellulite, stubborn fats, and stretch marks naturally and safely?

These days almost all women have cellulite to one degree or another, and it’s generally considered a blight–a sign of a lazy, unhealthy lifestyle. Ironically, women who exercise or have a mass build-up of muscles can see cellulite and stubborn stretch marks start to form.

Even fit women get affected with stretch marks

Eunice Annabel was one such customer who was a victim of the ugly stretch marks around her thighs and butt areas. Eunice had been active in competitive cheerleading all through her secondary school days. Having to play the base teammate who throws and catches teammates when they are doing complex routines, she had developed strong muscles below her torso. However, the moment she stopped cheerleading activities, she shrunk in size and along came the stretch marks.

So what happens if you exercise a lot? Can you still have smoother, sexier legs, hips, and butts?

Well, yes of course. But you need to understand what you are up against first. What you’re actually seeing are swollen fat cells putting pressure on the surrounding fibrous tissue. This then pulls the skin downward and creates the tell-tale pitting that makes so many women self-conscious.

Pinch Yourself, You May Have Cellulite

There is a simple test you can do to find out if you do have Cellulite or not. We call it the Pinch Test. Using your index finger and your thumb, pinch the skin on your outer thigh, buttocks, or abdomen, and look for dimpling. If you can only see some dimpling when you pinch, but want to make sure it doesn’t get worse over time, then you better start taking simple, preventative actions now! 

You may not be able to completely “cure” yourself of all vestiges of it, but there certainly are things you can do to help make cellulite less noticeable. Reducing the appearance of cellulite requires that you do two things:

·         Increase blood and lymph circulation. Poor circulation and lymph drainage (lymph is a substance your body uses to dispose of waste) can lead to inflammation and swelling, which directly aggravates the problem, and it also inhibits the reparation of the connective tissues and collagen that play vital roles in the appearance of the skin. If blood and lymph flow remains decreased for extended periods of time, hardened collagen bands can actually form around the fat globules, further worsening the cellulite and making it even harder to get rid of.

·         Cellulite massage. This method helps to break up the fat cells and help improve the appearance of the areas and deliver results in the long-run alongside regular exercise and balanced diet.

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Bottom Slim New York Slimming Centre

Tong Building
302A Orchard Road, Tong Building #06-03A
Singapore 238862

Novena Square 2
10, Sinaran Drive, Novena Square 2 #03-11/19
Singapore 307506

Nex Mall
23, Serangoon Central, Nex Mall #03-31
Singapore 556083

Jurong East
Blk 134, Jurong Gateway Road #01-311 (Unit 3)
Singapore 600134

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