Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss Tips Are you trying to get rid of your post-pregnancy weight? Starting a diet and a fitness regimen could easily help you lose the belly flap and loose skin. However, some women still struggle to shed off this excess weight. Well, before you go forward with any drastic decisions with regard to losing weight, first seek help and guidance from medical personnel. This will help you establish if your weight loss difficulty is because of a medical condition or illness. This read will help you understand why your weight loss journey is taking longer than expected. Reasons Why Post-Pregnancy Weight Is Harder To Lose Unrealistic period Most women have very unrealistic expectations with respect to weight loss. They tend to grow impatient especially if they cannot see their results after a while of working out. It would be beneficial to note that it is unrealistic for pregnancy weight to shed after a few days or weeks after the pregnancy. It is estimat...
How you want your calves to look like? |
Big or muscular calves are a nuisance for a girl aspiring to have a slim and slender figure. Many girls who work out to keep a good figure struggle to have slim calves and fret over muscular calves.
Why are my calves so fat?
There are several causes. Some you can help, some you can’t.
1. Genetics: Tough to accept but if you have not done any form of activity that could change the shape of your calves, going up a hill daily to fetch a pail of water, chances are that you won’t be able to make significant changes to how your calves look. You were born this way.
2. Muscle: Simply because you are exercising the wrong muscle group.
3. Fat: No other way to look at this. Slimming therapy is one way to reduce the size of your calves. BUT legs are the hardest place to lose fat and tend to be the last place for women, so it will have to be paired with exercise and a balanced diet.
4. Exercise: If your calves bulked up because you were exercising the wrong muscle. There are ways to reverse this.
Exercises that make your calves muscular
1. Cardio is a great way to lose weight overall, however, you may be unknowingly growing your calves if you are not running on a flat surface – running on an incline will increase your calf size.
2. Walking is great alternative, For the not-so-athletic – but again, do not walk up hills. You’d be pumping up your calves.
3. Any Uphill Exercises, including step machines and staircase climbing. As much as they are effective to reduce overall body fat, they are not how to get skinny legs
4. Skipping uses mostly your calves so you can run away from bulking up your calves quickly.
5. Plyometric / HIIT Exercises involving lots of lower body plyometric exercises such as jump squats, jump lunges and burpees, and anything really that results in you landing heavily on your feet will cause overgrowth of your calves.
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Bottom Slim New York Slimming Centre
Tong Building
302A Orchard Road, Tong Building #06-03A
Singapore 238862
Novena Square 2
10, Sinaran Drive, Novena Square 2 #03-11/19
Singapore 307506
Nex Mall
23, Serangoon Central, Nex Mall #03-31
Singapore 556083
Jurong East
Blk 134, Jurong Gateway Road #01-311 (Unit 3)
Singapore 600134